
Facebook က Vedio ​ေတြကို​ေဒါင္​းႏို္​င္​တဲ့ ADM Pro (Updated) Apk

ADM Pro က​ေတာ့ Facebook က Vedio ​ေတြကိုပါ
​ေဒါင္​းယူႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​ ။ Facebook က Vedio ကို​ေဒါင္​း
မယ္​ဆိုရင္​ Vedio Post ညာဘက္​အ​ေပၚမွာ      ႐ွိ႕တဲ့
Down Arrow ကို Click ရင္​ Save Vedio ဆိုတာ႐ွိ႕
တယ္​ ။ ထိုဟာကို Click ပါ ပီးရင္​ Near Place / Event
/ Friend တို႔​ေအာက္​မွာ Saved ဆိုတာ႐ွိ႕တယ္​ ။ အဲဒိ
အထဲ၀င္​ပါ ခုန Save ထားတဲ့ Vedio ​ကို​ေတြ႕ရမွာပါ
ထိုအခါ အဲဒိ Save ထားတဲ့ Vedio ကို ADM ခံ​ေဒါင္​း

*** Features: ***

- downloading from internet up to three files simultaneously;
- accelerated download by using multithreading (9 parts)
- download files in background and resume after pause;
- interception of links from the browser and clipboard;
- icon with progress of download in notification panel;
- transparent progress-bar on top of all windows;- easy and quick management of your downloads;
- fast and smart algorithms for downloading files;- completion notification by sound and vibration;
- backup list of downloads and settings in file;- save different file types in different folders;
- built-in browser for sites with registration;
- interception of mp4 video from web-page;
- downloader all video and audio formats;
- interface customization and themes;
- planning download at right time;
- widget on your home screen;
- create profiles for sites;
- and many more...

Add links from browser:
- press on link and from window "Complete action using" select ADM Editor
- long press on a link to display the context menu, press "Share" or "Send" and from window "Share via" select ADM Editor;
- copy link, after program intercept it from clipboard and send in ADM Editor;Controls:
- press on the download to start/stop the process;
- press on the completed download to open the file;
- long press on download to display the context menu.

YouTube is not supported under the rules of Google.

★ ADM Pro(Updated)ကို​ေအာက္​မွာ​ယူပါ ★

       >>>> DOWNLOAD HERE <<<<

Facebook ကလိုခ်င္​ရင္​  ဒီမွာ  Like ႏွိပ္​ခဲ့ပါ

Ko Nay Zin ( Zal iT )
