
★★All-In-One Offline Maps Version : 1.15 Apk (All Android)★★

ဒီတစ္ခါေတာ့သူငယ္ခ်င္းတို႔အတြက္ All-In-One Offline Maps ေလးအသစ္ထြက္လာလို႔တင္ေပးလိုက္
ပါတယ္။OpenStreetMap , National Map တို႔အျပင္ Google Maps, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, Yandex Maps, အကုန္ပါ၀င္ပါတယ္။ဒီေကာင္ေလးကိုေတာ့ Android : 1.6 ႏွင့္အထက္ကစျပီးအသံုး

All-In-One OfflineMaps offers you to access a wide range of maps for free.
Bored to wait for maps display? Use All-In-One OfflineMaps! Once displayed, maps are stored and remain available, quickly, even with no network access.
• Want more than just roads on your maps? You will find what you need here;
• Used to go to places with poor network coverage? Everything will stay available;
• Used to go abroad? You won’t be lost anymore;
• Have a data allowance limit? It will reduce your usage.
• Maps
A lot of maps are available, including classical road maps, topographic maps, aerial (satellite) maps and various layers that can be added over any maps: OpenStreetMap (Roads, Topo), USGS National Map (Hi-res topo, Aerial imagery), Worldwide Sovietic topo maps, Google Maps, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, Yandex Maps, and various per-country topo maps (incl. Europe, UK, Spain, Italy).
- All maps can be stacked in layers, with precise opacity control.
- Select and store large areas in few clicks.
- Stored space is clear and can be easily deleted.
• Display, store and retrieve unlimited landmarks
You can add various items on the map such as waypoints, icons, routes, areas and tracks.
You can easily manage them using the powerful SD-Card Landmarks Explorer.
• On-map GPS Localization & Orientation
Your real location and direction are clearly displayed on the map, which can be rotated to match your real orientation (depends on device capabilities).
Easy turn off/on to save battery.
Fully compatible with metric and imperial distance units, GPS Longitude/Latitude coordinates and hundreds of grid systems (UTM, OSGB, Irish, Lambert, Swiss, MGRS/WGS84, USNG/NAD27, QTH Maidenhead Locator System, DFCI, …).
• Need more?
If you are a real adventurer, try ‘AlpineQuest GPS Hiking’, the complete outdoor solution based on OfflineMaps, loaded with a powerful GPS Location Tracker.
Size : 3.3M
Requires Android : 1.6 and up

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