ဓါတ္ပံုေတြကိုစိတ္တိုင္းက် ျပဳျပင္ခ်င္တဲ႔ ေဘာဒါေတြအတြက္ Wondershare
PowerSelfie Version: 1.0.3 ေလးကိုတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။ ဒီေကာင္ေလးက
မိမိျပဳျပင္ခ်င္တဲ႔ ဓါတ္ပံုေတြကို crop, rotate, adjust, texture, borders,
ႏိုင္တဲ႔အျပင္ Twitter, Facebook ကသူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြလည္း sharing
ျပဳလုပ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္က 14Mb ရွိၿပီး Android: 2.3 ႏွစ္အထက္ဖုန္းေတြမွာအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
New Design,New experience , Amazing app for selfie!
PowerSelfie provides a comprehensive suite of professional yet funny mobile photography options. To make selfie even easier. Join the millions of users in enjoying these FREE Features! Love Selfie, Love yourself.
◇ Layers
Choose from a collection of over 50 (and growing) shapes, filter, multi-grid templates, and more to add that extra flair to your photos.
◇ Photo Editing
New editing options available, customize your photos with overlay, crop, rotate, adjust, texture, borders, And so on.
◇ PowerSelfie Watermark
PowerSelfie comes with many trendy Watermark you can choose from too.
◇ Easy Photo Sharing
With a key multi-platform sharing , you can easily share your photos to Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook (hashtag: # PowerSelfie). Easily retain fond memories of life.
Current Version: 1.0.3
Requires Android: 2.3 and up
Category: Photography
Size: 14M
က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္ ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ။
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
ျပဳလုပ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္က 14Mb ရွိၿပီး Android: 2.3 ႏွစ္အထက္ဖုန္းေတြမွာအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
New Design,New experience , Amazing app for selfie!
PowerSelfie provides a comprehensive suite of professional yet funny mobile photography options. To make selfie even easier. Join the millions of users in enjoying these FREE Features! Love Selfie, Love yourself.
◇ Layers
Choose from a collection of over 50 (and growing) shapes, filter, multi-grid templates, and more to add that extra flair to your photos.
◇ Photo Editing
New editing options available, customize your photos with overlay, crop, rotate, adjust, texture, borders, And so on.
◇ PowerSelfie Watermark
PowerSelfie comes with many trendy Watermark you can choose from too.
◇ Easy Photo Sharing
With a key multi-platform sharing , you can easily share your photos to Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook (hashtag: # PowerSelfie). Easily retain fond memories of life.
Current Version: 1.0.3
Requires Android: 2.3 and up
Category: Photography
Size: 14M
က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္ ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ။
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
Thank You For Downloading And Dont Forget to Clicking Once on a Ad Banner.
အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။
အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။
Click to Download Here
** Step-1.ေအာက္က Download Button ကိုႏွိပ္လိုက္ပါ
** Step-2. "5sec". ေလာက္ေစာင္႕ေပးပါ။
** Step-3. " << SKIP AD >> ".ကိုႏွိပ္ေပးပါ။
** Step-4. Download Link က်လာပါလိမ္႕မယ္။
** အဆင္ေျပပါေစဗ်ာ။