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video format ေတြကို mp3 format ေတြၿဖစ္တဲ့ MP3, AAC စတဲ့ေကာင္ေတြကို Convert အၿဖစ္နဲ႕
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ပဲရွိပါတယ္ ။
You almost certainly inquire us what you will get using this app. The following is description of MP3 Video Converter in accordance with official page on Android Market.
And here are the new features inside the latest version of the app, MP3 Video Converter 1.9.37 apk android:You can convert video files to audio files (MP3, AAC) with various options ( bitrate, meta data)1. Supports various types of videos (3GP, FLV, MP4 and so on)
2. Supports various types of audio (MP3, AAC)
3. Supports editing meta information (title, album, artist)
4. Supports application based integration. (Contact us) * It supports only ARMv7 and higher.
* Is uses ffmpeg and mp3lame library.
- [Critical Fix] Fix files to write output file.(can’t find audio stream)
- [Critical Fix] Fix the crash on non-sdcard KitKat devices.
- [Fix] Some crashes.
- [Fix] Now you can choose sdcard for pre-KitKat devices again.
So, are you interested to install this application to your android device? Download MP3 Video Converter 1.9.37 immediately into your android device from this link.
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