Android 2.1 and up
■Also avaible in BLACK
■Works with Live Wallpapers and classic Wallpapers
Poweramp skin based on glass transparency, translucid effects with your own background.
After installation, open Poweramp, go to Settings —> Look and Feel —> Theme and choose Minimal White Skin.
IMPORTANT: this is not an application, but a skin package for Poweramp v2.x. There is no Home screen/Launcher icon provided. You must have installed Poweramp before.
Do not hesitate to tell me any recommandation for this skin ;)
Google Play go to buy
Download Themes Free

** Step-2. "5sec". ေလာက္ေစာင္႕ေပးပါ။
** Step-3. " << SKIP AD >> ".ကိုႏွိပ္ေပးပါ။
** Step-4. Download Link က်လာပါလိမ္႕မယ္။
** အဆင္ေျပပါေစဗ်ာ။