
DVD Movies ေတြကို စုစည္းေပးႏိုင္တဲ႕ EMDB v1.72 Portable


                      ကၽြန္ေတာ္အခုတင္ေပးမယ္႕ Post ေလးက ဆိုဒ္ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားမွာ မေတြ႕ဖူးေသး
ဘူးဗ်ာ။ ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႕ DVD Movies ေတြကိုၾကည္႕တဲ့အခါမွာ ဇတ္လမ္းေတြကိုေရြးခ်ယ္ျပီးၾကည္႕ၾကပါ
တယ္။ အဲဒီလိုမ်ိဳး ဇတ္လမ္းေတြအမ်ားၾကီးကိုစုစည္းျပီး ၾကိဳက္တဲ႕ ဇတ္လမ္းကိုေရြးခ်ယ္ၾကည္ရႈႏိုင္ေအာင္
လုပ္ေပးႏိုင္တဲ႕ Software ေလးတစ္ခုမွ်ေ၀ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။ Language ေတြကိုလည္းေရြးခ်ယ္ေပးႏိုင္
ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။ English , Chinese , Japan အပါအ၀င္စုစုေပါင္းဘာသာစကား 24မ်ိဳးထိပါ၀င္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။ အား
လံုးသေဘာက်ေစမယ္႕ Portable Version ေလးကိုဘဲတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။ အေသးစိတ္ေလ႕လာခ်င္

EMDB is a small utility to keep track of your DVD collection. With an automatic import from the database of IMDB, export to csv, text or complete website, thumbnail cover preview, a loan tracker, search function and multi-language user interface. EMDB is written in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and doesn't need a .NET framework or any other external libraries. And best of all... it's free!
EMDB is available in several languages: English, Dutch, Danish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Hungarian Croatian, Swedish, Greek, Catalan, Czech, Norwegian, Japanese, French, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Serbian and Slovenian translations are included in the setup.

February 19th 2013:  version 1.72 released:
    IMDB Import: Fix import several fields due to yet another change of the IMDB web layout. Don't these guys ever stop!?
    User Interface: Fixed the translation of the Play / TV Series button in the toolbar.

**  Step-1.ေအာက္က Download Button ကိုႏွိပ္လိုက္ပါ  

**  Step-2. "5sec". ေလာက္ေစာင္႕ေပးပါ။

**  Step-3. "  << SKIP AD >>   ".ကိုႏွိပ္ေပးပါ။

**  Step-4. Download Link က်လာပါလိမ္႕မယ္။

**  အဆင္ေျပပါေစဗ်ာ။