
✔Fast Pro For Facebook v2.4 Latest Version App for Android✔ (March,28tn,2014 Updated)


-Fast PRO For Facebook v2.4 Latest Version ​ေလးကို တင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါၿပီ-

-Android ဖုန္းမွာ Facebook အေကာင့္န္ေတြ ခုႏွစ္ခု၊႐ွစ္ခုေလာက္ကို၊ဒီ Apk ေလးတစ္ခုထဲမွာ တၿပိဳင္နက္ထဲ ထည့္သြင္းၿပီး အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္မယ့္ Application

-Latest Version ျဖစ္တာမို႔ news feed တက္တာေတြပိုမိုျမန္ဆန္လာတာကိုေတြ႔ရ
ပါတယ္။mes noti ဆက္သြယ္မႈ ပိုမိုျမန္ဆန္

-Youtube နဲ႔ Facebook ကေန တိုက္႐ိုက္တင္ထားတဲ့ Video/Movies ေတြ
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Fast for Facebook is a new client to manage your Facebook© account! Fast is born from the idea to give a great and full experience even to the less powerful device! 
Fast it’s also a social reader, you can organize your list and read-share all the stories from your favorite blogs or newspapers.

Special Fast’s Features: 
• Use Fast as a news reader creating your own lists of pages and friends
• Read notifications and manage events
• View videos from YouTube© and Facebook© directly in the app 
• Deep User Interface customization 
• Optional Security pin against snoopy 
• Optional Push Notifications Add-on (available on Google Play)
• Download Pictures, Videos and Conversations from Facebook directly in your device
Main features:
• Access to Facebook© news feed
• Send, share, like and comment contents
• Chat and manage private messages
• Search friends, people, pages and everything else 
• Update status, Upload photos and videos
• Access to Groups and Pages 
• Multi accounts
• Facebook© photos download 
• Widget and quick links 
After many Updates, it is a Facebook© client with low battery and bandwidth consumption and a unique user interface. It is active only when you want and it’s very light: only 2 mega! No hidden services or annoying notifications, it can be transferred to your SD card too!
Fast asks for permissions in order to work on Facebook©, if you accept them all the features, It works, otherwise you will not be able to use 100% of Fast! 

What's New

• Upload photos in comments

• Content description for buttons for Accessibility Services that help blind and vision-impaired users.

• Auto capitalize first letter in text box

• Better recycle of resources in order to save RAM

• Fixed a bug with group notifications

• Fixed black selection for HTC users

• Improved scroll positioning

• Added refresh list form facebook

• Added a control that opens other youtube apps if youtube is not installed

• Languages updated

Additional information

28 March 2014


Current Version

Requires Android
2.1 and up

Content Rating
Medium Maturity


