တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္..လြယ္လဲလြယ္ပါတယ္ ကဲ ကလိႏိုင္ၾကပါၿပီ..က်ေနာ္လဲ ကလိပါေတာ့မည္ ..အဆင္ေျပၾကပါေစခင္မ် :)
Method 1
1. Go to Pinger/Textfree and Sign-Up for a free account.
2. Enter a Zip Code located in the United States ( you can use this : 35004)
3. Select the Gender and Set the Age of the person using this number and click Ok .
4. Select a number from the List ( Remember the number! You are not able to change it later on.)
5. Click Confirm .
6. Now just enter the mobile number in the verification website (google/facebook),
The received SMS should appear in the windows of Pinger Inbox.
Method 2
1. Go to Receive-Sms-Online .
2. Pick a number from the List in the page and Copy it.
3. Paste that number in the verification website (google/facebook).
4. Go back to receive-sms-online and Click on the number you picked.
5. You'll notice the received verification SMS appear on the list.